Founder success starts here.

We are a next-generation venture fund, focused on finding & supporting talented founding teams of mature seed companies and helping them reach the next level.

Our Focus

Unique problems are being solved in every industry. While our team has specialization in several verticals, LvlUp Ventures is an industry-agnostic early-stage investor (pre-seed & seed stage). We believe in founders with a vision and high-potential solutions.


Check sizes up to


In Sponsored Perks
AI, SAAS, Entertainment Tech, FinTech, HealthTech, Gaming/Esports, Web3.0
Focus Verticals

What We Offer

We provide value that founders won't find anywhere else.

Fundraise Assistance

Fundraising is the #1 startup pain point, even for seasoned founders.

We work 1:1 with our portfolio companies to help craft a winning pitch deck and make strategic investor introductions.

And we keep this hands-on approach through Series A financing.

Sample screenshot of multiple pages from separate investor pitch decks
View Sample Pitch Decks
Growth-Focused Mentorship

We believe in measurable mentorship, focused on month-over-month growth.

Our mentors are uniquely incentivized by LvlUp to open their rolodexes, as we provide our mentors with a portion of our carry.

Strategic Mentor Matching
Assistance in Fleshing Out Teams
Weekly Customer-ACQ. KPI Calls

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Our teams receive over $1M in startup perks.

Our sponsored credits and services help keep our portfolio companies’ burn low.

From cloud-hosting to legal, payments and more.

Additional Value

Whether asking us to sit in on final-round interviews or product development brainstorming sessions, we are happy to help in any way in which we believe we can provide value across sales, hiring, marketing, customer success, product dev, and more.

Go-To-Market Strategy
Landing Page Development
Customer Success

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