Brandon Maier Interview

Opinion Pieces
July 23, 2024

Meet Brandon Maier, the Founder and General Partner at LvlUp Ventures, a dynamic and evolved venture ecosystem known for its close, value-adding collaboration with founders. Brandon is also a Co-Founder of Quake Capital, recognized by CrunchBase in 2018 for making the second-most investments in female-led startups. With over 250 startup investments—84% of which are still active and 9 having achieved exits—his portfolio has seen a remarkable 10X+ return on active investments within the last six years. Brandon is a frequent guest lecturer and startup judge at various pitch events.

  1. What made you interested in VC space?

“I was drawn to the VC space because it requires mutual respect between investors and founders. I admire the dedication and sacrifices founders make to solve problems and create change, often investing their own resources. My motivation was to become an investor who truly adds value, providing constructive feedback even when not investing, while ensuring my input is seen as helpful rather than definitive.”

  1. What excites you about the current state or future of the venture?

We're in a fascinating time for venture due to significant economic shifts and technological advancements. Post-COVID, we've seen rapid progress in AI and robotics, reminiscent of the early days of computers and the internet. Despite the current economic downturn and a slight pause in investments, the rise of AI technology is incredibly exciting and transformative.”

  1. Something you thought you always wanted to do?

“Absolutely not. Unlike some of my younger colleagues, I never envisioned myself in this field. Growing up, I imagined becoming an athlete or actor. Entrepreneurship wasn't even on my radar in college. My journey began unexpectedly when I worked for a startup during the early days of crypto as a financial controller. The dynamic environment, where everyone's voice mattered, fascinated me. Experiencing the stark contrast between corporate internships and the startup world made me realize I wanted to be part of this space. The startup environment, where contributions are recognized and voices are heard, is incredibly powerful and compelling to me.” 

  1. What inspires/drives you as an investor?

“What drives me as an investor is the ability to affect change. In early-stage investments, being a true value-add investor and working closely with companies and founders is crucial. The hands-on approach is essential when teams are small. It's incredibly fulfilling to know that I can make a difference, not just by investing but by actively helping these companies scale and grow. Additionally, this work has a broader impact, affecting lives beyond just the business itself.” 

  1. You have a Saturday off, how would you choose to spend it?

“I'm usually giving myself a mental break from work. Ideally, I am outside on the water or riding around blasting music in my golf cart.”

  1. Motto or quote you live by?

“The motto I live by is an Abraham Lincoln quote: "It's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." This resonates with me because, even from my first startup, I believed in valuing experience and passion over age or tenure. In the early days of crypto at BitInstant, I saw the potential of hungry interns eager to learn and make an impact. Over the years, I've learned not to judge someone's capability by their age but by their experience and drive.” 

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